From the Völser Weiher to the Tuffalm at the foot of the Schlern

From the beautiful bathing lake Völser Weiher to the Tuffalm below the Schlern.

Level of difficulty


The trip in pictograms

This tour was tested and documented by:

Wheelchair Tours


Trip description

Parking lot Völser Weiher to Huber Weiher

From the parking lot Völser Weiher we start first straight ahead at the tennis courts of the Hotel Waldsee past in the direction of Völser Weiher. However, we leave this to the left at the next crossroads (or complete the tour with the Circular hike Völser Weiher) and continue straight on up the forest road in the direction of Huber Weiher. There is a barrier here, as the use of the forest road is only possible to a limited extent. With a traction motor or electric wheelchair, however, you can drive with a little momentum towards the barrier, which should then open automatically by the sensor in the ground. If this is not the case, there is a footpath with a gate that can also be used. Here it might be necessary to stop the gate by a second person. From here it goes straight on to the Huber pond.

From the Huber pond to the Tuffalm

Passing the Huber Weiher pond on the right, the forest road now climbs for approx. 500 m by 15% - 20%. Afterwards the path flattens out again and leads with approx. 10% to max. 13% up to the Tuffalm. Along the way we pass a water reservoir, behind which there is a cosy bench with a beautiful view. For the last part to the Tuffalm, after the end of the forest, you can either take a shortcut across the meadow or continue to follow the forest road and then turn right at the crossroads to the mountain pasture. As there are cows and horses on the meadow, pay attention to the exact route here. In summer, horse-drawn carriages also travel from the Völser Weiher car park to the Tuffalm, which can also cause a few obstacles.

The way back is the same as the way there.

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Trail conditions

Continuously wide, unpaved forest road with partly rough gravel from Huber Weiher.


Approach to the parking lot at the Völser Weiher via Blumau in the direction of Völs am Schlern. There, in the district of St. Anton, directly behind the bus stop, turn right in the direction of Völser Weiher.
Approach from Brixen via Waidbruck/Seis to Völs am Schlern. Here, in the outlying district of St. Anton, turn left at the Hotel St. Anton in the direction of the Völser Weiher lake.

Time requirement

There and back in total about 2 hours.

Difference in altitude

About 250 m.

Suitable wheelchair

  • Manual wheelchair with a strong traction device
  • off-road power wheelchairs

Accompanying person

An escort is not normally necessary as this is a well-maintained forestry track with no significant gradients. Reversing or push assistance is not normally necessary for wheelchairs with a good traction motor.

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Level of difficulty



This is a good passable forest road that is usually busy with visitors. Nevertheless, there are gradients of up to 20% on the way to the Tuffalm, which can be ridden alone, but require that you are well versed in the use of a traction motor. 

Accessible toilet

In the Tuffalm you can reach the toilets via a rather steep "ramp" in the cellar. These are spacious, but not specially equipped for wheelchair users and therefore usable, but not completely barrier-free. We have not tested the toilets ourselves, but only briefly looked in.

A barrier-free WC is located in the swimming hut/café Völser Weiher at the public bathing jetty.

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